Template Format

The snippet directories are based on a common modeling including:

  • a .meta-cnc.yaml file
  • xml config snippets

The .meta-cnc.yaml file

This file contains descriptive elements for loading the xml snippets using the Panorama or PAN-OS API.

Key elements of the metadata file include:

  • name: unique name descriptor specific to the directory contents
  • label: can be used by automation tools to create selection menus
  • description: what configuration content is contained in the directory
  • type: intended use by automation tools to determine API and commit models
  • extends: used to reference configurations to be loaded prior to this snippet
  • service_type: grouping label for automated selection menus
  • variables: variables used in the snippets include defaults and type if used by web utilities
  • snippets: ordered list of elements include the xml xpath and file pairing for API configuration

XML file snippets

A complete set of xml elements to be loaded as part of the temmplate configuration.

  • any variables required must be added to the .meta-cnc.yaml file if used by configuration tools
  • the filenames are referenced in the snippets section of the .meta-cnc.yaml file


For common xml snippets, relational references can be used to pull xml elements from other directories